2010 Cal South Adult State Cup
Venue: John Ferraro Soccer Complex

Venue Information
Venue: John Ferraro Soccer Complex
Address: Ferraro Soccer Fields
Glendale, CA  91201
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ferraro+soccer+fields&sll=39.744364,-97.961799&sspn=31.079948,78.662109&ie=UTF8&hq=ferraro+soccer+fields&hnear=&ll=34.154378,-118.282671&sp
Directions: John Ferraro Soccer Complex is located on Zoo Drive in Griffith Park where the 5 Freeway meets the 134 Freeway. Complex does not have a mailing address. **From the North bound 5 Freeway.** A. Exit Zoo Drive B. Go left onto Zoo Drive C. Complex is on the left hand side **From the South bound 5 Freeway** A. Exit Victory Blvd. and go right B. Go left onto Zoo Drive C. Continue on Zoo Drive over the 5 Freeway D. Complex is on the left hand side **From the West bound 134 Freeway.** A. Exit Zoo Drive B. Complex is on the right hand side **From the East bound 134 Freeway.** A. Exit Griffith Park / Travel Town B. U-Turn onto Zoo Drive towards the L.A. Zoo C. Continue on Zoo Drive over the 5 Freeway D. Complex is on the left hand side

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
1 JFSC #1 Large OPEN --
2 JFSC #2 Large OPEN --
3 JFSC #3 Large OPEN --
4 JFSC #4 Large OPEN --
5 JFSC #5 Large OPEN Schedule
6 JFSC #6 Large OPEN --